Month: December 2016
Lithuanian Signs in Western Cultures

This fall, the National Library of Lithuania Lithuanian Research Department initiated a series of events titled “Lithuanian Signs in Western Cultures.” At the first event, which took place on October 19, Prof. Dr. Nijolė Vaičiulėnaitė-Kašelionienė talked about Lithuanian signs in France and Francophone countries. She is the author of a monograph Lietuvos įvaizdis prancūzų literatūroje: vienos barbarybės istorija (2013) [Lithuania’s Image in French Literature: One Barbaric Story].

On November 4, Prof. Dr. Giedrius Subačius, author of a book Upton Sinclair: The Lithuanian Jungle (2006) presented his research on Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle (1905). The life and work of the people, by then a young journalist had met with whom talked to him inspired and with his actors he chose the Lithuanians.
Web documentary on Current Issues of Migration
In fall of 2016, senior researcher of Lithuanian Studies Department at the National Library of Lithuania, Dr. Dalia Cidzikaitė, took part in a web documentary on contemporary migration “La Crise Migratoire et Nous” (in French and Lithuanian) created by French Institute in Lithuania.
Sixteen participants, from various walks of life, such as historians, a writer, a journalist, a lawyer, a philosopher, and others, shared their ideas about the history of migration, past and current events and lessons we should learn and remember in the future. The conversations which were filmed in France, Lithuania and Canada offer a broad view on current migration crisis in the world.
Please visit website (in French) and/or (in Lithuanian) to listen to the participants talk about migration and its challenges.