On 16-17 August, 2017, National Library of Lithuania will host the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Satellite Meeting. The participants will share their ideas on the challenge of multiple identities – multiethnicity in genealogy, local history and regional memory, as well as challenges and opportunities for libraries and other memory institutions. The presenters will discuss such topics as saving and promoting historical and cultural memories, supporting contacts and understanding between different local and regional communities and the role of libraries, museums and archives in participatory projects based on multi-ethnic and multi-generational collaboration.
Two representatives from Lithuanian Studies Department of National Library of Lithuania will present their papers. Senior researcher Dr. Dalia Cidzikaitė will talk about oral history method as a very effective tool in researching local history and contributing to regional memory. Director of Documentary Heritage Research Department, Jolanta Budriūnienė, will discuss the role that documentary heritage of Lithuanian diaspora stored at the National Library of Lithuania plays.