Photo: The Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum
On September 28, 2018, the Valdas Adamkus Presidential Library-Museum and the Vytautas Magnus University Lithuanian Emigration Institute invited to the second international conference “Diaspora and Migration: Theoretical Approaches, Complex and Interdisciplinary Research.” The conference was aimed at the history of Lithuanian diaspora, the challenges of modern migration, as well as other ethnic diaspora communities, history and activities of various émigré organizations, specific aspects of the diaspora culture, and comparative diaspora studies of the Baltic States.
The conference drew researchers from Lithuania, Great Britain, Poland, Latvia and Finland, who presented their research in the field of history of Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian diaspora communities,as well as the latest studies on migration processes that had taken place inrecent decades. The conference focused on theoretical insights on modern diaspora and migration research, discussed the possibilities for interdisciplinary research.
The conference was organized by the Vytautas Magnus University Lithuanian Emigration Institute, which for more than two decades has been researching the history of diaspora and migration processesand serving as an archive and library for Lithuanian diaspora heritage. The Institute has been organizing scientific conferences, seminars and exhibitions dedicated to the history of diaspora.